what is Magento?
how Magento can be made more secure for the client?
what all billing information can be managed through Magento?
how you can show a certain number of products for guests in Magento?
what are the basic features of Magento?
what technology does Magento use?
how you can change Magento Core API settings?
what is the architecture of Magento? What are the different versions of Magento?
how you can configure Magento to work with another domain?
how you can reset Magento file & Directory permissions?
what is the benefit of applying Connect Patches in Magento?
what is the limitation of Magento?
how you can enhance the Magento performance?
how you can move Magento to another Directory?
what is the difference between Mage::getModel() and Mage::getSingletone() in Magento?