Is there any other repository domains rather than universe, security, document?
What is the dense rank?
What are all difference between business objects 6.5 and xi r2?
Let me know the things we can do in webi and cannot do it in full client and vice verse for bo6.5?
What are the steps to be taken to schedule the report?
Explain when to use local filter and when to use global filter?
What is a fantrap in business objects?
Give some information on report bursting and how to do it in bca as I have to split the report and send diff reports to diff people?
What is report template in b.o?
What is difference between custom hierarchy and report based hierarchy?
What is difference between webi and infoview?
Explain are data mart and dwh normalized or denormalized? Do both of them exist in the same tier?
Explain the difference between union and group?
Give some information on report bursting?
Explain when we use aggregate awareness function in designer?