What is the difference in creating filters in designer and business objects?
Explain in detail about type 2(scd),
Explain what is the difference between business requirement document and use case document.
What is the functional & architectural differences between business objects and web intelligence reports?
Explain is it the job of a business analyst or systems analyst to draw the class diagram?
Explain about a task that really tested your analytical abilities?
Explain about an assignment you worked on in which you had to amass a huge amount of data, and then analyze it?
Explain are data mart and data warehouse normalized or denormalized? Do both of them exist in?
Explain the data types present in bo and what happens if we implement view in the designer and report?
Explain is data mart?
Explain what task is 98% of the required work of a business analyst?
Explain what sort of existing documents should business analysts refer to when starting on a new project?
Difference between b.o 5.1 and 6.1b?
What is the difference between absolute and relative div positioning?
What is the difference between the public object&schema object?