What kind of decoration was used on these simple empire
What was a plumassier?
what will you do if your top fall off
Describe articles that were called either a tournure or a bustle?
Which cathedral had to have its doors raised by four feet in 1776 so that gentry could enter without mishap to their coiffures?
Queen Victoria gave her name to the Victorian age. When was she crowned Queen of England?
i left my study in 2001-02 and i joined retail in 2005so wht should i answer for this gap?
im 21 years old n doing MBA can i b the modle with working in job how? n im smart n working out it is possible to do both it is my desire to b a modle is there need so much money? tell me how to start n first step my height 5.8smthing tell me
What is the cst rate (west bengal) of hosiery goods when we purchase from outside west bengal ?
What was the Grecian bend?
How fashion accessory match with garment?
0 Answers Mahatma Gandhi University,
how to choose a photographer?
Write notes on fashion accessories?
0 Answers Mahatma Gandhi University,