Write notes on fashion accessories?
Which new invention by James Hargreaves in 1764 eventually wiped out the domestic industry of spinning yarns?
Explain the effect of industrial revolution on fashion.
0 Answers Mahatma Gandhi University,
What was the name of the big sleeve popular in the 1890s?
What does Haute Couture mean?
What was the Age of Adam?
im 21 years old n doing MBA can i b the modle with working in job how? n im smart n working out it is possible to do both it is my desire to b a modle is there need so much money? tell me how to start n first step my height 5.8smthing tell me
Who brought back part of the Parthenon from Athens to London?
What was redingote?
Name two exotic dances that took off globally in the 1990s and encouraged women to wear prettier dresses?
What were Yuppies in the 1980s?
What does the acronym Y U P P I E S stand for?
What was a leghorn?