#define max 5

#define int arr1[max]



typedef char arr2[max];

arr1 list={0,1,2,3,4};

arr2 name="name";

printf("%d %s",list[0],name);


#define max 5 #define int arr1[max] main() { typedef char arr2[max]; arr1 list={..

Answer / susie

Answer :

Compiler error (in the line arr1 list = {0,1,2,3,4})


arr2 is declared of type array of size 5 of characters. So
it can be used to declare the variable name of the type
arr2. But it is not the case of arr1. Hence an error.

Rule of Thumb:

#defines are used for textual replacement whereas typedefs
are used for declaring new types.

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