What is Bug life cycle?
What is quality matrix in software testing?
Overall what percentage of positive and negetive testcases would you write?
what is the difference between defect management tool and tesecase managment tool, what are its purpose, does QC and TD use for both(defect &test case managment)
What is waiver?
Why we need localization testing?
Definition of Bug?
Does functional testing comes under Black box or white box testing?
4 Answers Infeneon Technologies, S1 Services,
what is the meaning of Field Level Validation & Form Level Validation??
What are the advantages of SCSI compared to ATA or IDE ?
What Do You Think Is The Main Advantage Of using Test Management tool nowdays?
What studies data flow analysis?
When usin qtp iam able to get the data from the database only in a single row that is if i have 2 columns in database,when using database output value , all the values in Database are transfered to a single row in QTP datatable. I want the values to appear as it is from the database , can anyone suggest some ideas?