Tell Me In Autocad Software How Can U Find All Command List
And How Can You Change Them Like L For Line After Changing
You Can Use LLP As a Line Command
What is a symbol thought of as a name for a place to store value? a) Data b) Variable c) Parameters d) None of the mentioned
Which hides details behind abstraction boundaries? a) Procedures b) Procedure abstraction c) Recursion d) Both a & b
What is the output of the following statement? * (defun (input-list) (if (endp input-list) nil (cons ( (first input-list)) ( (rest input-list))))) a) Procedure b) Transforming c) Input d) Error
Which process helps to build a large and complicated programs in LISP? a) Abstraction b) Mapping c) Data abstraction d) None of the mentioned
What is the output of the given statement? * (defstruct circle (radius 0)) * (defun area (figure) (cond ((circle-p figure) (* pi (expt (circle-radius figure) 2))))) * (setf circle (make-circle :radius 11)) * (area circle) a) 44 b) 380 c) 382 d) 380.132
Mention what is the difference between = and = = in Prolog?
Which can be represented in bytes in LISP? a) Boxes and pointers b) Lists c) Lisp d) None of the mentioned
Explain what is the difference between bagof/3 and setof/3 predicate in Prolog?
Mention what is Cut (!) in Prolog and what is the advantage of ‘Cut’ and ‘Negation’?
Which enables storage in procedurally indexed places in LISP? a) Defstruct b) Object c) Structure d) None of the mentioned
Which is a procedures supplied by user in terms of primitives? a) Custom b) User-defined c) Definite d) All of the mentioned
Which checks the evaluated key form against the unevaluated keys using EQL? a) COND b) CASE c) NIL d) SETF