If CANE is coded as 1345 and MEAN as 8453, then TOKENS can
be coded as

ANS is)-> a) 765239
b) 142530
c) 764539
d) 762039

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If CANE is coded as 1345 and MEAN as 8453, then TOKENS can be coded as ANS is)-> a) 765239 ..

Answer / sunil902


Is This Answer Correct ?    14 Yes 5 No

If CANE is coded as 1345 and MEAN as 8453, then TOKENS can be coded as ANS is)-> a) 765239 ..

Answer / ravi


Is This Answer Correct ?    3 Yes 1 No

If CANE is coded as 1345 and MEAN as 8453, then TOKENS can be coded as ANS is)-> a) 765239 ..

Answer / dinesh

ans is a

Is This Answer Correct ?    5 Yes 4 No

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