Explain in Detail about Measure Objects? and what is the
use of it? How to create it?

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Explain in Detail about Measure Objects? and what is the use of it? How to create it?..

Answer / guest

It is a numeric data.

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Explain in Detail about Measure Objects? and what is the use of it? How to create it?..

Answer / janardhan

Measure objects retrieve numeric data, or data that is the
result of calculations on data in the database.
For example: No. of students in the Students Universe.

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Explain in Detail about Measure Objects? and what is the use of it? How to create it?..

Answer / nareshkumar

Measure Object convey numeric information which is used to
quantify a dimension object. A measure object returns
numeric information.

You can create a measure object by using aggregate
functions such as,

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Explain in Detail about Measure Objects? and what is the use of it? How to create it?..

Answer / preetham

Measure objects are meant to define and retrieve the
numeric data. Example : If we want to retrieve the data of
country wise sales revenue. We have to create any measure
object(name it 'Sales') throgh right click in universe pane
> double click the object > define as measure property,
give select statement with facts measure and click OK.

Now, If you run query against country and sales. We will
get data form the report level showing the sales in
numerical data that exist. So Without assigning the measure
object with the select statement of fact measure, we cannot
get sales value.

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Explain in Detail about Measure Objects? and what is the use of it? How to create it?..

Answer / subramanyam

It can be derived fro the Aggregate function.it convay the
numeric information by Dimesion object can be meassured

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