What is the meaning of PASSIVE interface in RIP, IGRP, EIGRP
& OSPF??

Can any one explain..!!!

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What is the meaning of PASSIVE interface in RIP, IGRP, EIGRP & OSPF?? Can any one explain....

Answer / siba (dip)

Passive interface command is used to control the
advertisement of routing protocol,passive interface command
restrict outgoing advertisement only.But in the case is
little bit different in EIGRP. In EIGRP, when passive
interface command is enable between two routers , it is not
only suppersing routing updates but also HELLO messages
also.In result, router also lost the neighbor relationship
with routers. So it also suppers the incoming updates
also.With EIGRP running on a network, the passive interface
command stops both outgoing and incoming routing updates.
since the effect of the command cause the router to stop
sending and receiving hello packets over an interface.
So try it today - configuer eigrp & don't put passive
interface command then after configuering eigrp, try the
command <debug eigrp packet hello>it will show all the
infomation required And also try <show eigrp neighbor>You
will get information.Then you try <passive interface
command>repeat !st & 2nd command above mentioned , you
won't get any information.For trouble shoot configure
<distributed-list>And <no passive-interface command>.
In the case of RIP & IGRP passive interface command stops
the router from sending updates to a particular neighbor to
listen & use routing updates from that neighbor .

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What is the meaning of PASSIVE interface in RIP, IGRP, EIGRP & OSPF?? Can any one explain....

Answer / jitenmdera kuamr sinha

sahin i have ased that question and you answered it

ok tell me importance of that comand

#no passive-interface

what is the output of that comand

your answer is in that comand

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What is the meaning of PASSIVE interface in RIP, IGRP, EIGRP & OSPF?? Can any one explain....

Answer / shahin

hehehe... let someone else to answer dis.... Most of the
time, i observed that... U n Me posting question & answer

Cmon guys... Post some question..!!!

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What is the meaning of PASSIVE interface in RIP, IGRP, EIGRP & OSPF?? Can any one explain....

Answer / sanusi abu darma

Passive interface command is the correct solotion which
prevent the trsnmission of unnecessary routing update
through a router interface and it also allows the router to
advertise the network to other routers.

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What is the meaning of PASSIVE interface in RIP, IGRP, EIGRP & OSPF?? Can any one explain....

Answer / jitu

yes i know i [posted two question i know first one is too
hard for ccnaer but second one is in the sylbes of ccna but
know ,one is here for answer it

i can serch it one google or any wher else but posted soln
acts as a bacisc and fundamental.

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What is the meaning of PASSIVE interface in RIP, IGRP, EIGRP & OSPF?? Can any one explain....

Answer / amal thomas

Passive-interface command is used in all routing protocols to disable sending updates out from a specific interface. However the command behavior varies from o­ne protocol to another.

In RIP this command will disable sending multicast updates via a specific interface but will allow listening to incoming updates from other RIP speaking neighbors.

This simply means that the router will still be able to receive updates o­n that passive interface and use them in the routing table.

In EIGRP the passive-interface command stops sending outgoing hello packets, hence the router can not form any neighbor relationship via the passive interface. This behavior stops both outgoing and incoming routing updates.

In OSPF the passive-interface has a similar behavior to EIGRP. The command suppresses hello packets and hence neighbor relationships.

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