How to copy a table in another table with datas?

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How to copy a table in another table with datas?..

Answer / guest

If new table is not yet created,
create table new_table as select * from old_table;

if new table is already created,
insert into new table select * from old_table
provided the structure of the new table is same as old

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How to copy a table in another table with datas?..

Answer / guest

If new table is not yet created,
create table new_table as select * from old_table;

if new table is already created,
insert into new table select * from old_table
provided the structure of the new table is same as old

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How to copy a table in another table with datas?..

Answer / kavitha nedigunta

create table new_table as select * from old_table;

EG:- create table emp1 as select * from emp;

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How to copy a table in another table with datas?..

Answer / meher

copy from user_name/password@schema_name insert
target_table_name using select * from source_table_name;

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How to copy a table in another table with datas?..

Answer / monty

if you have a table employee you can create duplicate
record using into statement

select *into backup_employee from employee

the above statement create new table backup_employee with
same data of employee

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How to copy a table in another table with datas?..

Answer / mohan

create table emp_dup as select * from emp:

if we have already structure means:

Insert into emp_dup(select * from emp);

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How to copy a table in another table with datas?..

Answer / selvaraj v

In Oracle 10g :

Create New Table in another table with same data's:

copy from coeot1a2/coeot1a2@coeau to scott/tiger@coeau
CREATE s11 using select * from major_list;

Insert data's into another table with same data's:

copy from coeot1a2/coeot1a2@coeau to scott/tiger@coeau
INSERT s11 using select * from major_list;

Append data's into another table with same data's:

copy from coeot1a2/coeot1a2@coeau to scott/tiger@coeau
APPEND s11 using select * from major_list;

Replace data's into another table with same data's:

copy from coeot1a2/coeot1a2@coeau to scott/tiger@coeau
REPLACE s11 using select * from major_list;

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How to copy a table in another table with datas?..

Answer / raghunanda

---With date from existing table to new table.
SQL> create table new_table_name as select * from old_table_name where 1=1;
---without data
SQL> create table new_table_name as select * from old_table_name where 1=2;


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How to copy a table in another table with datas?..

Answer / sanjeev

create table new table name as select * from new table name

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