RMF reporting: What is the best way to code to provide me
the info that there are disks in the array failing or
failed? How to code? Run in batch.
Answer / indian
der are 2 ways to get d info.
1. s.m.f
2. r.m.f
the best way's using r.m.f
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What is sysplex?
How is it possible to do a cross-sysplex copy of a PDS dataset by running one JCL on the target sysplex? I tried to use IEBCOPY with SUBSYS & CSM as follows: //CSMTRAN1 EXEC PGM=IEBCOPY //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //SYSUT1 DD DSN=PDS-Dataset-name-from,DISP=SHR, // SUBSYS=(CSM,'SYSPLEXNAME-FROM') //SYSUT2 DD DSN=PDS-Dataset-name-to,DISP=OLD, // SUBSYS=(CSM,SYSPLEXNAME-TO') //SYSIN DD DUMMY This did not work. I always get the following error "IEB1071E DD NAME SYSUT1 IS SUPPOSED TO BE A PARTITIONED DATA SET BUT IT HAS NO DIRECTORY. EXPECT A TERMINAL I/O ERROR. (DS1LSTAR=X'000000' DS1DSORG=X'0000' JFCDSORG=X'0200') " The source dataset is a catalogued pds dataset with many entries. The target dataset is allocated in the same job some lines before the transfer. I got an example like this for PS datasets with IEBGENER. But for PO datasets there should be a similar possibility...
What is the best way to code to provide me the info that there are disks in the array failing or failed? How to code? Run in batch?
INCLUDE is used ONLY on MVS/ESA Version 4 or higher systems to name an INCLUDE group. An INCLUDE group is a set of one or more valid JCL statements that are stored together in a JCLLIB data set or a system procedure library, and that are read in and used to replace the INCLUDE statement itself within the job. Any number of INCLUDE statements can be used in a job, but the name field value used on each should be unique within the job. The INCLUDE statements can appear in a job anywhere after the JOB statement, but may not appear between a CNTL and ENDCNTL JCL statement.
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RMF reporting: What is the best way to code to provide me the info that there are disks in the array failing or failed? How to code? Run in batch.
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