How is it possible to do a cross-sysplex copy of a PDS dataset by running one JCL on the target sysplex? I tried to use IEBCOPY with SUBSYS & CSM as follows: //CSMTRAN1 EXEC PGM=IEBCOPY //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //SYSUT1 DD DSN=PDS-Dataset-name-from,DISP=SHR, // SUBSYS=(CSM,'SYSPLEXNAME-FROM') //SYSUT2 DD DSN=PDS-Dataset-name-to,DISP=OLD, // SUBSYS=(CSM,SYSPLEXNAME-TO') //SYSIN DD DUMMY This did not work. I always get the following error "IEB1071E DD NAME SYSUT1 IS SUPPOSED TO BE A PARTITIONED DATA SET BUT IT HAS NO DIRECTORY. EXPECT A TERMINAL I/O ERROR. (DS1LSTAR=X'000000' DS1DSORG=X'0000' JFCDSORG=X'0200') " The source dataset is a catalogued pds dataset with many entries. The target dataset is allocated in the same job some lines before the transfer. I got an example like this for PS datasets with IEBGENER. But for PO datasets there should be a similar possibility...
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