Hi i have a webtable which is having 7 columns and 6 rows
of data in that table of 4th and 5 th column each row is
partiotioned into 3 sub rows i want to verify in each
partitioned rows of corresponding row for ex values will be
like this 0 / 1 ,26/28.if it is 0/1 i want to skip only if
any num/num greater than 1 i want to click.
RC = Browser("BrowserName").Page("PageName").WEbTable("TableName").RowCount
For iLoop = 1 to RC
Set Link1 = Browser("BrowserName").Page("PageName").WEbTable("TableName").ChildItem(iLoop,4,"ClassName",0)
Set Link2 = Browser("BrowserName").Page("PageName").WEbTable("TableName").ChildItem(iLoop,4,"ClassName",1)
Set Link3 = Browser("BrowserName").Page("PageName").WEbTable("TableName").ChildItem(iLoop,4,"ClassName",2)
If Cint(Link1.GetRoproperty("value")) and Cint(Link2.GetRoproperty("value")) > 1 Then
End If
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