Have you used xml check point in your project?
how to acess a test in RSA?
Hi all , I am new at QTP I want a sample script to check validation messages(For java script or VB script) for login page with for web based application.. Any one can Help. I have to complete it in two days I need urgent help.. Ex. if I want to check mail.yahoo.com 1 > If user doed not exist it display "Username does not exist" 2> if invalid Uname and password then it display" Invalid Uname or pass" 3> Loing Sucssessfully. I want to check this types of application by using data table to give values of username and password.. Thanks
How to access values from Unix OS and how to write..
Hi guys, can anyone explain me whats the method for reporting the QTP test results to teamlead or non-QA member (developer/PM)? Thanks in Advance!!!!!
How to call a function in QTP?Is there any method ? Thanks , PRASANNA
Hi any body can tell me the in detaled information about Description.Create() thanks in advance
who is the best faculty in HYD? Nageshwar rao or GC reddy?
How u will do versioning in QTP?
when do we write a script in qtp?(plz give me more then 2 reasons)
What expansion of "MIC" in MICPASS (TEST ReportPAGE)
in qtp wha t is synchronisatin pt,what is the maximam time out
Explain measuring transaction.