Could any one share scripts... where we can Parameterize
radio buttons and Check boxes.
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purpose of inserting delay values in the scripts of Rational?
Where the datapool values are stored?
hi i did MBA(HR)from IGNOU, NEW DELHI. can any please tell me that is testing is helpful my career?
How we write a java script using RFT for the below scenario iam having dropdown list COUNTRY(it contains india,us,uk...) once we select the india in that list it will open the corresponding states in STATES dropdown list. i would like to change those values dynamically... can u pls send me the coding....
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hi i am sanganithi.i am having some doubt in rational robot.can we do synchronization in rational robot,if we can do means how can we do .please explain the steps clearly.
I wanna to learn RFT can anyone send me the learning material including demo. I am working on mainframe based project using RFT, but don't have that much knowledge of java scripts so need to learn.
How do you insert Log Messages and delay values in scripts?