How would you parameterize the text field "Country" and the
same "country" when it appears as combo field
on other page with text field city and same with City combo
Answer / puneet
I think the question says that , there are 2 diff combo
boxes with the same name , Now how to parametrize them ?
as far as parametrization is concerned it can be done
easily once the objects are diffrentiated .For the objects
to be diff. recognized by QTP. You can add properties to
the objects eg. index,size,hieght,width etc to difff. And
then apply any parametrization u like.
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What are some test assets and related extensions of qtp?
what type of run time errors you get while you ar edoing rpg program?
Hi , I am facing issue QTP 10.0 with oracle ERP 11i .When QTP opens,click sub links on ERP ,FORM is not opening getting unexpected Internet explorer error message with send or don't send report.So unable to work with forms using QTP.
how to find that tools work well with ur existing system?
hi can anybody help with an qtp 9.2 license key please. Thanks, Nitesh.
I have written a code to fetch values fro access db and place in the fields. Iam using GetROProperty to fetch runtime values. Now i want to add runtime values to the access db in field v3. please help me. Its not writting in the db. Option explicit Dim con,rs,db,c Set con=createobject("adodb.connection") Set rs=createobject("adodb.recordset") con.Open "Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};dbq=D:\Sales.mdb" "select * from tax",con Do while not rs.eof Browser("Sales Tax Calculator").Page("Sales Tax Calculator").WebEdit("incost").Set rs.fields("v1") Browser("Sales Tax Calculator").Page("Sales Tax Calculator").WebEdit("intax").Set rs.fields("v2") c=Browser("Sales Tax Calculator").Page("Sales Tax Calculator").WebEdit("outtax").GetROProperty("value") rs.MoveNext print c Loop Do while not rs.EOF rs.EditMode rs.Fields("v3").Value="3" rs.Update rs.MoveNext Loop Set rs=nothing Set con=nothing
Hi, Plz give best Definition of Software Testing? Why we need Software Testing? and plz send 2+yrs experience Interview qutions (Manual,Qtp).
Hello Everyone, Please provide me the practical example of business component concept of QTP.Like how to create business component,how to connect the quality center etc.... Thanks in advance, Gaytri
Hi Friends... By using QTP , can we test .net products...and that product supports different languages.. thanx in advance..
when I was doing the web testing with QTP using with standard checkpoint the Object selection -checkpoint properties dialog box not displaying pages and links hierarchical order. Could you please tell me. thanks
Can anybody let me know how to test the Drag and drop feature of the column in a .net hav to test the drag and drog feature of a table(swftable) in a application..plze help!!
What is the real use of different actions in QTP