Can anybody let me know how to test the Drag and drop
feature of the column in a .net hav to
test the drag and drog feature of a table(swftable) in a
application..plze help!!

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Hi Friends, How to trap an error message on Web page through QTP. Example:- When I put wrong user id or Password on a web page, I get the error message. So when I add the error object in Reposatory, every time it shows as Login Failed Object exist, eventhough using corret login details. And if I do the same without adding the object it shows as object not found. This might be because while recording QTP takes every new page as _1 _2 _3 and so on. as below. Browser("XXXXX").Page("XXXXX_1"). >>login Browser("XXXXX").Page("XXXXX_2"). >>Inbox Browser("XXXXX").Page("XXXXX_3"). >>Sent Items I used below code. Browser("XXXXX").Page("XXXXX").WebEdit("firstname").Set strFN Browser("XXXXX").Page("XXXXX").WebEdit("lastname").Set strLN Browser("XXXXX").Page("XXXXX").WebEdit("userid").Set strUserID Browser("XXXXX").Page("XXXXX").WebEdit("password").Set strPass Browser("XXXXX").Page("XXXXX").WebButton("Login >").Click If Browser("XXXXX").Page("XXXXX_2").Image ("msg_icon_error").Exist 5 Then Reporter.ReportEvent micFail, "XXXXX", "Login Failed!" ExitRun (It shows login failed ever after login is passed. Else Reporter.ReportEvent micPass, "XXXXX", "Login Successful!" End If Please find out a way for me here, and provide me with the correct code. Thanks in Advance.

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Can anyone pls tell me in realtime (descriptive programming) how will the properties of the object be given to the test team. R they given in an excel sheet and is the same sheet also given to the development team and by whom is this given? Thanks a lot.

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How will u declare a variable to access multiple actions? a)Dim b)Global c)Public d)Private

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Hi Friends, I'm new to QTP. I want to write a function in QTP for below senario. In an Excel sheet column B, I Have 10 Url/Links, and in Colum A there is a Flag as Y and N. My test should run only on those iterations which are flagged as Y. Please help, Thanks

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Hi All, issue is related to handling pop up script generated in IE, and run on mozilla. In App Under Test, when we get the alert pop ups, we just click ok button. if we need to run the same code on mozilla it will not identify . so we will check browser if browser(*).dialog(IE object).exits browser(*).dialog(IE object).winbutton(OK).click else 'by default mozilla browser(*).dialog(mozilla object).page(*).webbutton(OK).CLICK END IF But my qustion is. Do we write the above piece of code where ever we get such kind of pop ups from the application like alert pop up, confirmation pop up.... OR do we have any other alternative way to do this by using any functions in Recovery Scebarios? If Any of u know idea please do help me in this regard. or send answer to

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