What is deference between normal QTP testing and
descriptive programming?

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What is deference between normal QTP testing and descriptive programming?..

Answer / nanda

i think ur question might be difference between actual
programing and descriptive programming in QTP? if it is ur

when u r writing script in QTP u should store all the
objects in Object Repository.
for example:
Browser("XXX").Page("XXX").WebEdit("XXX").Set "XXX"

here the browser, page, WebEdit objects should be stored
in Object repository. then only it works, else it wil throw
an error.
when u store objects in OR, some of the properties of
that object will store in OR to identify that object.

but in descriptive programming no need to store objects in
OR. it means writing and executing ur scripts with out using OR.

for example:


here the properties of objects are throwed in to script. so
no need to store those object OR.

still not getting? mail to : nanda.dreddy@gmail.com


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What is deference between normal QTP testing and descriptive programming?..

Answer / sabareesh

Descriptive Programing is nothing but We define the
Description about an object and create an object and we
perform the action over the object.

the basic syntax of the Descriptive Programming is

‘—-Create Object—-’
Dim oDesc
Set oDesc = Description.Create
‘—-Set ID properties & values—’
oDesc("property1″).Value = "value1″
oDesc("property2″).Value = "value2″
‘—-Use and reuse the description object—’
VBWindow(oDesc).Type "Something"
‘—-Release description object—’
Set oDesc = Nothing

One More syntax is for an object Button
Set Obj = Brower("title:=Y").Page("html tag:=x").Button
if obj.exist

Here the Advantage is that :
we skip the OR cocept so we save more space
Remove machine dependency
Increase clarity of the script

In any case we can go to the Descriptive Programming
provided we know the object Properties with\without

Mainly people will go for Desc Prog only if it is a Product
where the Reusability of the script is high with minimal
change in the script

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What is deference between normal QTP testing and descriptive programming?..

Answer / babu


Can anybody explain little bit more about descriptive
programming. I mean, how and when we have to use
Descriptive programming. In What are all the situations we
have to choose descriptive programming.

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What is deference between normal QTP testing and descriptive programming?..

Answer / arunamadhu

most of the time in run time qtp fails to identify the
object in the object repository ,to handel such objects
which change more offenly ie dynamic we wil go for
Descriptive programming,

when u run the recorded scripts on different browser
Recorded scripts are going to fail,to handel this also v
vil go for descriptive programming

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