What is NOT a valid functional area type?
a) LDB
b) Sequential Data Set
c) Program
d) Search Help
e) Joined Tables
note: Please answer only if you are very sure. Else pls ignore.
what is the differance between item category amd material type ?
I am complietd DECE passing year 2006. But i am working ht line electrical field in Private textile company. How i can get electrical C liecense. Please clearify my doubt my no.9047566688
Fill in the blanks to acheive false as output of the third line float varA =_____; float varB = varA; System.out.println(varA == varB);
Hello friends please send me teradata materials dumps for teradata14 certification, else TD12. my email id is srinivasmedipally@gmail.com Thanks
Hai i am working in the field electrical installations.then what is the procedure to get electrical supervisor license plz sugest me mail me the answer kothapallikalyan@gmail.com
Hi Every One, This is K.Srinivasarao. I am in teradata side. i am interested to do certifications in teradata. please help me. for this i want teradata dumps. please mail me teradata dumps to tkanisrinivasa@gmail.com Thanks in advance K.Srinivasarao
anyone plz tell me, which r the certification r there for AS/400?
what is isp
Hi, Is there any training availble for qtp/winrunner? thanks, sheetal
Dear Friends, Currently i m working as Business Analyst in a Bangalore based organization. Can you anyone tell what are the certifications available for a Business Analyst? I got few, but i m not sure how to proceed further. Please help tech geeks. Thanks in advance. Cheers, Ganesh email: ganeshramanandv@rediffmail.com
Are Silicon mutual funds and investment plans under SEBI registration and is it safe to invest in Silicon mutual funds?
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