How is Source Side push down optimization different to just providing a SQL override in Source qualifier transformation.
How can we get multiple output values using an unconnected lookup transformation?
Why is sorter an active transformation?
wat are deployement groups in informatica, how it will be used for developers
Two workflows are running at same time first workflow is succeeded but second workflow is failed but there is no dependencies?
Explain what is informatica metadata and where is it stored?
hi,there is a scenario like. there are three columns empid,salmonth, sal contains the values 101,jan,1000 101 feb 1000 like twelve rows are there then my required out put is like contains 13 columns empid jan feb marc.......dec and the velues are 101 1000 1000 1000 like this . thank you
What are Business Components in Informatica?
What are the data movement modes in informatcia?
how to delete duplicate records by using filter transfermation?
What are the steps involved in the migration from older version to newer version of Informatica Server?
can we use lookup t/r in flat files?what are the t/r's can be used in flat files when compared to relational DB?
where to store informatica rejected data? How to extract the informatica rejected data?