What is the latest Exchange 2003 Service Pack? Name a few
changes in functionality in that SP.
what is mean by oracle?And how it is used?
a book consists of chapter ,chapter consist of sections and sections consists of subsections.construct a tree and print the node.
why we use conio.h in c programming?
Do you have any tips for using 3G phones?
Is it VB.NET support operator overloading?
is overloading and overriding are static or a run time binding?
how many E1's in pasolink and ipasolink?
what is ads
pls its urgent!!!!!!! can u tell me which companies are hiring fresher for industrail training???i know only two companies cmc which is in bandra n biz tech solution in kandivali. can anyone knows other companies??how much fees r they taking?? what about biz technology?this company is good to join if anyone has did d industrial training in biz technology then pls reply as urgent as possible. thank you ....waiting for replyyyyy
An inversion is an array of numbers is any pair (i,j) such that i<j and A[i]>A[j]. What is the average number of inversions in an array of n ? distinct numbers?
which is having more efficiency smaller power plant or bigger power plant? why?