What is FRAME WORK? How many Frameworks can QTP supports?

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What is FRAME WORK? How many Frameworks can QTP supports?..

Answer / manju

Automation Framework is a set of assumptions and set of
guidelines which helps in developing and executing
automated tests that belongs to a project.

following are commonly used frameworks
1. modular driven/ action driven framework
2. function decomposed/ library architecture framework
3. hybrid framework
4. data driven framework
5.keyword driven framework

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What is FRAME WORK? How many Frameworks can QTP supports?..

Answer / ami

Automation Framework is a set of assumptions and set of
guidelines which helps in developing and executing
automated tests.

QTP supports following frameworks:
1.Linear Framework
2.Modular Framework
3.Keyword Driven Framework
4.Data Driven Framework
5.Hybrid Framework

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What is FRAME WORK? How many Frameworks can QTP supports?..

Answer / y.anand kumar

As of my Knowledge QTP can also support the following

1. Data Driven Framework
2. Keyword Driven Framework
3. Descriptive coding

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What is FRAME WORK? How many Frameworks can QTP supports?..

Answer / sm

Frame work is nothing but a collection of folder structurea
and placing all files into corresponding folders.

Frameworks present in qtp:

Linear frame work
action driven frame work
key word driven framework
data driven framework


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