how to find maximum identity number in a table ?
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How to find the latest updated value in a table without sending any parameters to that query
What is the maximum length of an alert name?
How to write a script for upate the data in prod , i have 50000 row are there
How to join two tables in a single query in ms sql server?
What are dml (data manipulation language) statements in ms sql server?
What is proper subset of candidate key?
1.what is the diff between nolock optimizer and read uncommitted isolation? 2.what is the diff between revoke and deny? 3.what is percieved down time? 4.whether password protection are required for backups?if yes why?if no why? 5.what is fill factor? 6.what is cost analysis? 7.what is mean by piece meal restore? 8.what is 'rowguidcol'? 9.impersonate permission? 10.what is selectivity?
How to link up the text file to a Database table?
Explain what are db_options used for?
Explain about the command-line tool SQLCMD?
What are commonly used mssql functions in php?
How do I create a trace in sql server?