Explain basic SQL queries with SELECT from where Order By,
Group By-Having?

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Explain basic SQL queries with SELECT from where Order By, Group By-Having?..

Answer / swapna

Order by clause is used to sort information of a table into
specific order either ascending or descending order.

syntax:select stmt order by column;

ex:select * from emp order by sal;

Group by clause is used to divide entire group into
subgroups based on the common values columns.we can use
group by clause along with group functions.

syntax:select group by(exp 1),group by(exp 2),....from
table name group by column name;
select max(sal),min(sal) from emp group by deptno;
Group by clause can allow where clause.

Having:is used to restrict information of the atble based
on condition.

syntax:select group by (exp 1) ,group by (exp 2) from table
name group by column having (condition).

Having and Group by clauses can interchange their positions.

but when using having along with order by clause having
should be placed before order by clause.

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Explain basic SQL queries with SELECT from where Order By, Group By-Having?..

Answer / ranjan

In above select stmnt city must be in group by clause. Otherwise it'll sho error.

Is This Answer Correct ?    3 Yes 1 No

Explain basic SQL queries with SELECT from where Order By, Group By-Having?..

Answer / nitin

sory i m satisfied with idea.actualy i want to know is this
query is right or not.plz inform me.

SELECT country,city
FROM customers
GROUP BY country

Is This Answer Correct ?    7 Yes 19 No

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