What is a view?

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What is a view?..

Answer / sandip gele

In view,we can create virtual table with the columns from
different tables by relation between them, we can use this
view as a table for selecting a data but we can't use view
to insert data.

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What is a view?..

Answer / yuvaraja



A view is, in essence, a virtual table. It does not
physically exist. Rather, it is created by a query joining
one or more tables.

Creating a VIEW
The syntax for creating a VIEW is:

CREATE VIEW view_name AS
SELECT columns
FROM table
WHERE predicates;

For example:

CREATE VIEW sup_orders AS
SELECT suppliers.supplier_id, orders.quantity, orders.price
FROM suppliers, orders
WHERE suppliers.supplier_id = orders.supplier_id
and suppliers.supplier_name = 'IBM';

This would create a virtual table based on the result set
of the select statement. You can now query the view as

FROM sup_orders;

Updating a VIEW
You can update a VIEW without dropping it by using the
following syntax:

SELECT columns
FROM table
WHERE predicates;

For example:

SELECT suppliers.supplier_id, orders.quantity, orders.price
FROM suppliers, orders
WHERE suppliers.supplier_id = orders.supplier_id
and suppliers.supplier_name = 'Microsoft';

Dropping a VIEW
The syntax for dropping a VIEW is:

DROP VIEW view_name;

For example:

DROP VIEW sup_orders;

Frequently Asked Questions


Question: Can you update the data in a view?

Answer: A view is created by joining one or more tables.
When you update record(s) in a view, it updates the records
in the underlying tables that make up the view.

So, yes, you can update the data in a view providing you
have the proper privileges to the underlying tables.


Question: Does the view exist if the table is dropped from
the database?

Answer: Yes, in Oracle, the view continues to exist even
after one of the tables (that the view is based on) is
dropped from the database. However, if you try to query the
view after the table has been dropped, you will receive a
message indicating that the view has errors.

If you recreate the table (that you had dropped), the view
will again be fine.

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What is a view?..

Answer / guest

If we have several tables in a db and we want to view only
specific columns from specific tables we can go for views.
It would also suffice the needs of security some times
allowing specfic users to see only specific columns based on
the permission that we can configure on the view. Views also
reduce the effort that is required for writing queries to
access specific columns every time.

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What is a view?..

Answer / prakash.s

Views are simply called as mirror table or virtual table.
Feild of one table can be updated inside the view.
Updation of more than one table inside the views is not

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What is a view?..

Answer / sachin ladda

In view,we can list out different column from different
table in one virtual table..

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What is a view?..

Answer / kalyan

A View is a named virtual table that is defined by a query
and used for a table

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