how to check on which PF , the LF is dependant ?
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Answer / swetha p rao
DSPFD and Based on file attribute gives the physcial file
name on which logical is based
Is This Answer Correct ? | 21 Yes | 1 No |
Answer / faina
DSPFD on a logical file and then scan for the word 'Based'.
Will point to a physical file this logical is based on.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 6 Yes | 0 No |
How can we call CL program to RPG? How many number of parameter we can pass
I have a file .In that file i have 3 fields. Those fields are eno, ename, esal.Keyfield is eno. In that file i have data like this for eno 1,2,3,4,5. Now i need to display 2nd record. That means i need to set the pointer on 2nd record... Then, write the complete rpg program using setll.
1.Can any body share me about thease opcodes with example please.Im new for AS/400.Could u please tell me in real senario? 1.TESTN, 2.EVAL 3.EVALR, TIME, 4.MONITOR 5. ENDMON 6.ON-ERROR 7.COMMIT ROLLBACK?
There is a excel sheet having details of Old account number and new account number. I need to update these details in my AS400 files. i.e. all the records having old account number should be replaced with new account number. There can be 100 or 200 or 300 fix files known. how can we do this?Solution should be performance oriented
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How we will read call stack?
if there is a module object , how to find the program object for this module object.Assume the module object name and program object name is not same.
1.Suppose my file has 10 fields and I want to make the 2nd field Zeros in all records. And assume I have millions of records and I dont want to read each record and update the desired field with 0. Any other way to do this in one step operation? 2. Assume my file has 100 records and I want to see only first 10 records. Is this possible through LF? 3.I have 3 jobs A B and C. I want to submit B after successful completion of A and want to submit C after successful completion of B. Without using job scheduler or job queue, how can i do that through CL program? 4.What is difference between Bind by copy and bind by reference?
write an RPG program to calculate the marks of 5 students (A,B, C, D, E)in 3 different subjects (eng, math, sci) an display on the screen
while i am using the dspmsg command on comman line in Mocha am getting error like Not authorized to message queue message my messagequeue Name? can anybody help me how to change my message queue Am anable to see my messages in message queue
Im traying to get out put of this below mention simple logic code.But im geting out of different.(im trying with my laptop trhough my company server. DCL &FIELD1 *CHAR 10 VALUE('TCS AS/400') DCL &FIELD2 *CHAR 10 CHGVAR(%SST(&FIELD2 1 10))(%SST(&FIELD1 10 1) Can you tell me the value of field2 after excuted of CHGVAR command.
how can we find setll setgt chain read reade readp operations are successfull or not,give example.explain in detail.