what do we mean we say that accounting is a means rather
than an end?
expand P D F
Wat is pivot table
expand R D P
what is service tax, how much calculated on service?
If I purchased a machinary of Rs. 50,000 and Received a free printer of Rs. 3000 . What its Accounting entry?
What are Corporate Action?
i want to sit for the written examination held by govt. sector like coal india, ongc for the post of accountant .. qualification ca inter.. plz any1 of u let me know on wht subjects the questions are asked and wht types of questions are asked... plz let me know.. plz
What is the difference between Capital Reserve and Reserve Capital?
26 Answers Agarwal Associates, Brigade, College School Exams Tests, Firm, Microsoft, TAHDCO,
why would you like to opt nbp
why all the people prepared balance sheet like liabilities and assets ? why not we prepared like assets and liabilities
Why do balance sheet always have same total of Assets and liabilities..??? pls ans dis...my id is business.ankita@gmail.com
13 Answers State Bank Of India SBI,