What are Corporate Action?
sale tax which place effected
What's the difference between Delivery Challan and Out Gate pass and purpose of using these two formates.
About Funding Working Capital to a Company? A company Turn over is 12 Cr, but in the bank statement credits per month is more that 3 Cr? how this could happen? awaiting your views?
distinguish between price rate and time rate?
Expand C & F Agent
the following figures given to you: 2008-09 Sales Rs.100000 Loss 10000. 2009-10 Sales Rs.250000 Profit 20000 Calculate: P/V Ratio, BEP, Sales to make a profit of Rs.40000, Margin of safety at at profit of Rs.2000
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What is the difference between Finance and Accouts?
what is capital budgetting?
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What information needs to be disclosed in accounts?