what is the output of the following program and explain the
main(int a)

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what is the output of the following program and explain the answer #include<stdio.h> exp() ..

Answer / yogesh bansal

if we add semicolon after main(5) like ; main(5);

the ouput will be 1.

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what is the output of the following program and explain the answer #include<stdio.h> exp() ..

Answer / narendra vemuri

: error C2065: 'main' : undeclared identifier
: error C2143: syntax error : missing ';' before '}'
: warning C4508: 'exp' : function should return a value;
'void' return type assumed
: error C2373: 'main' : redefinition; different type modifiers
: warning C4508: 'main' : function should return a value;
'void' return type assumed
Error executing cl.exe.

test.exe - 3 error(s), 2 warning(s)

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what is the output of the following program and explain the answer #include<stdio.h> exp() ..

Answer / vignesh1988i

first of all this will give an error tat 'exp()' is not declared or it needs a prototype & if the 'exp()' is corrected and ';' is added in calling function of main(5) this will print as 5

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