what is difference between primary key and Unique

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what is difference between primary key and Unique..

Answer / naresh

Primary key:it can not be null

Unique:it can have only one null value in a table.

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what is difference between primary key and Unique..

Answer / thaqi

unique key: allows NULL values and doesn't allow duplicate

primary key:doesn't allow both NULL and duplicate values

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what is difference between primary key and Unique..

Answer / sivasankar k.c

Primary key: it is clustered index. it not allows null
values. Only one primary in each table.

Unique Key: it is non clustered index. Unique key allows
null values.its allows only one null value. More than one
unique key in table.

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what is difference between primary key and Unique..

Answer / navneet sharma

Unique key allow null value and it is a non cluster index
Primary key does not allow null value and it is custer index

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what is difference between primary key and Unique..

Answer / hari

Primary key : Doen't allow null values
Unique key : allow one null value
Primary key create cluster index
Unique Key create non-cluster index

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what is difference between primary key and Unique..

Answer / suresh kaudi

Primary Key: Not allow null values,when we make primary key
automatically create cluster index,primary key we make
other foreign key.

Unique key: allow one null value,we can't make it foreign
key to other table.here we cane make only non-cluster index

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what is difference between primary key and Unique..

Answer / sunil kumar mishra

Primary key is a particular coloum that is unique in every
tuple is called primary key and ofenly it does not support
null values since it is used to uniquely identitfy row in a
table(Relation) and automatically does go to replace into
clustered index and support distinct value and Each table
should have a primary key, and each table can have only one
primary key.(Primary keys must contain unique values)

Unique value-
Unique values is same, in some manner, primary key since
You can have many UNIQUE constraints per table but primaty
key kan have one in each table.it support nonClustered

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what is difference between primary key and Unique..

Answer / suresh kaudi

Primary key : Not Accept null values
Unique key : Accept Onley one null value
When you Make Primary key In a table cluster index create
Automatically mean default.
Unique Key create Automatically non-cluster index

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