What is 'write-ahead log' in sql server 2000 ?
Which are new data types introduced in sql server 2008?
How to convert a numeric expression from one data type to another?
What is the basic difference between clustered and a non-clustered index?
What do you understand by intent locks?
How many instances per computer are there in sql server 2000?
Explain how dts is used to extract, transform and consolidate data?
what type of index will get created after executing the above statement? : Sql server database administration
Differentiate between a primary key and a unique key.
What is the difference between constraints and triggers?
What are the different types of lock modes in sql server 2000?
can any one please send sql quries most used in applications.
Would it be a good idea to create an index on a table that always contains 10 records? Why or why not?