what is the difference between adhoc testing, and error

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what is the difference between adhoc testing, and error guessing..

Answer / rkcr

Error guessing : Error guessing is a technique of finding
error or guessing that error will exists based on past
experience or based on Domain knowledge

Adhoc Testing : It is similar to exploratory testing.
testing done on the overall functionlaities with intution
of learning and checking whether the application is working
or not according to the requirements.

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what is the difference between adhoc testing, and error guessing..

Answer / mekala

Adhoc testing is not like formal testing with test plan or
test case.It is a random and free style testing performed
on application without using test case document.It is
carried out in the following manner,
1.After the completion of all test case excution before
they are going to relase the build.
2.If sufficient time is not available to test the
application according to test case.
3.Testing whether the application is working or not.

Error guessing is basically guessing an error by looking at
the application, which will be done by a experienced person.
EX:Blank or null character in string,negative
value,observing the cosmetic defects etc.

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