explain test life cycle
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Answer / satish
Project Initiation
System Study
Test Plan
Design Test Cases
Test Automation
Execute Test Cases
Report Defects
Regression Test
Sumary Report
Is This Answer Correct ? | 4 Yes | 1 No |
Answer / romie
Effort Estimation
Project Initiation
System Study
Test Plan
Design Test Cases
Test Automation
Execute Test Cases
Report Defects
Regression Test
Sumary Report
Is This Answer Correct ? | 3 Yes | 2 No |
Answer / vijay
Test life cycle dentifies what test activities to carry out
and when (what is the best time) to accomplish those test
activities. Even though testing differs between
organizations, there is a testing life cycle.
They are 6 (Generic phases) involved in Test life cycle.
1. Test Planning,
2. Test Analysis,
3. Test Design,
4. Construction and verification,
5. Testing Cycles,
6. Final Testing and Implementation and
7. Post Implementation.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 1 Yes | 0 No |
Answer / dhvani
1.Test Planing
2.Test Analysis and Design
3.Test Implementation
4.Evaluating Exit Criteria
5.Test Closer
Is This Answer Correct ? | 1 Yes | 0 No |
Answer / mallikarjun
total there are si phases in test life cycle system
1)test planning
2)test design
3)test execution
4)result analysis
5)bug tracking
6)report analysis
Is This Answer Correct ? | 0 Yes | 0 No |
Answer / s.ghosh
Test life cycle:
Analysis the SRS->Outline and scope is drawn->Test Plan is
prepared->Test case written->Test data prepared->test case
execution->Defect tracking ->Defect report is prepared &
send to devloper->After Fixing Regration testing->If fixed
despached to customer->if not fixed send to devoloper.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 3 Yes | 4 No |
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