why we give clock rate to DCE and not to DTE
what is the difference in the two.

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why we give clock rate to DCE and not to DTE what is the difference in the two...

Answer / naveen kumar sharma

Because DTE basically contained the router serial interface
and DCE contained the isp router end ,and two dte cannot
communicate directly atleast one DCE would be there for
communication,and dce provide clocking for
synchronization,thats why we use back to back serial cable
in industry its one end behave as DTE and its other end
behave as DCE.

Is This Answer Correct ?    52 Yes 14 No

why we give clock rate to DCE and not to DTE what is the difference in the two...

Answer / naveen agrawal

Because all Cisco router are by default DTE and it is the
receiver side(RECEIVING THE CLOCK PULSE FROM DCE) of serial
cable,basically connected the router serial interface,
and DCE basically connnected the isp router end ,it is
sender side(sending the clock pulse to DTE) of serial cable
and 2 DTE Cannot communicate directly atleast one DCE would
be there for communication

Is This Answer Correct ?    10 Yes 18 No

why we give clock rate to DCE and not to DTE what is the difference in the two...

Answer / s.m.feroz ahmed


DCE is a Data Communication Equipment and DCE port is used
to connect 2 similar devices for communication and clock
rate is configured .

Difference between DCE and DTE is DCE (Data Communication
Equipment) and DTE (Data Terminal Equipment) .DTE is
connected to Console Port on CPU for Router Configuration.

Is This Answer Correct ?    8 Yes 16 No

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