what is domian and how can it work ?

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what is domian and how can it work ?..

Answer / krati

A domain is the basic administration unit for WebLogic
Server instances.A domain consists of one or more WebLogic
Server instances (and their associated resources) that you
manage with a single Administration Server.We deploy the
application in domain.Each domain's configuration is stored
in a separate configuration file called config.xml, which
is stored on the Administration Server along with other
files such as logs and security files. When you use the
Administration Server to perform a configuration task, the
changes you make apply only to the domain managed by that
Administration Server.

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what is domian and how can it work ?..

Answer / athar mohammad aarif

Almost all of the above information is correct as provided
in the 'E-Docs' of BEA. But in 'Weblogic 8.1' I proved that
more than Admin Server can exist for a domain and further a
domain can contain multiple Sub Domains. I have a doc.
explaining the procedure to do it.........

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what is domian and how can it work ?..

Answer / shrinath

A domain is An interrelated set of weblogic server instances
that are managed as a unit. A domain include's one or more
weblogic server instances. A domain can include multiple
clusters.A domain also contain application compounds
deployed in the domain and resources and services required
by the application compounds and server instances in the domain.

In each domain one weblogic server instance acts as a the
administration server. The administration tools communicate
with the administration server to perform configuration and
monitoring of the servers and applications in the domain.
The administration server communicates with each Managed
server on behalf of the system administration tools. The
configuration for all the servers in the domain is stored in
the configuration repository, the config.xml file, which
resides on the machine hosting the administration server.
All server instances in a cluster must resides in same
domain.if a domain contains multiple clusters.

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what is domian and how can it work ?..

Answer / shanthipavan

A domain is a logical group of servers managed as a unit. A
domain contains only one admin server and one or more
managed servers. The managed servers may be on a single
machine or on differnt machines. A domain has only one
console. Mostly the managed servers are grouped into a
cluster for load balancing, high scability and availabilty.

And admin server starts using config.xml while managed
servers starts using the configuration provided by admin

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what is domian and how can it work ?..

Answer / diya

Domain is a logical group of physiacl servers that are managed as a single unit.
every doamin has only one admin server and 25 managed servers.
any given admin,manged server or cluster can belong to only one domain

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what is domian and how can it work ?..

Answer / nish

Do we deploy Application in Domain ? I guess we deploy it
in Managed instances

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