i have attended h1b on 23rd of this month at chennai
consulate.VO gave me 221(g) blue form and asked me to drop
all the docs which she was ticked.my problem is i didn't
kept the copies of ds-156,157,.....i tried to download from
vfs site.but while providing the information i got invalid
mother's name even i entered it correctly.what i have to
do?how can i get these documents.please help me.
Answers were Sorted based on User's Feedback
Answer / harinder singh
Hi Well thats Strange . call up the VFS help Line for the
same tell them that u are facing this problem . They will
have a solution of it and can evern reset your password .
BUT first thing is to ccall them and check status
There numbers are:
1. Northern India excluding Punjab – 011 4222
2. Punjab - 0181 504 1444
3. Western India – 022 66547600
4. Southern India – 044 4231 6767
5. Eastern India - 033 2288 2480
Also click on the Link of Contact us to wite them the email
mention other details
Is This Answer Correct ? | 3 Yes | 0 No |
Answer / h1
Try it today again at the same web site, since it happened
to me the same first time, later after few days when i
tried it worked out.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 4 Yes | 2 No |
Answer / venkat
this link may help full to you
Is This Answer Correct ? | 1 Yes | 0 No |
Answer / dilip mishra
type your mother's name as one word, ie without any space
in between.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 0 Yes | 1 No |
Answer / sana
Try it in different browsers, some times IE/FF any one not
Is This Answer Correct ? | 0 Yes | 1 No |
Answer / avinash
See, while you are entering your mother's name, just try
with caps lock on and off...ie.., with small letters and
capital letters....it should work fine for you with either
one method
Is This Answer Correct ? | 0 Yes | 2 No |
How to get H1b visa through consultants for indian employes.
Does anyone know what kind of questions are asked by the US Embassy in Manila, to get working VISA for the USA?? Any one knows any kind of questions given by americans in the US Embassy in Manila? tnx guys
When did US company founded?
whats your role with current (Indian) employer?
i have H1b visa interview in chennai ambessay.please suguest how to prepare the interview? how much time they will take an interview?
Hi I am working with XYZ company and the employer is appilying for H1B visa.I have lost the tax filed returns form ITR form of 2009-2010 assessment year but I ahev the form 16 where the tax payable amount is zero there .I ahve the cheque which I got 160 Rs as the refund amount .Will it be a hurdle for my H1B visa stamping.
Hi, I would like to know what are the documents required for a person holding an F2 visa to carry for an H1B visa stamping?
Any relation between your current employer and US employer?
What is the salary you will get in USA?
Has HTC Global Services been caught for Violation of immigration laws by US department of labor? Correct ans: HTC Global Services caught by US Department of Labor URL: http://www.htcinc.com Companies which violate immigration laws need to be exposed. HTC Global Services is a company based in Troy, Michigan with offices around the world. In India, it has offices in Tambaram, a suburb of Chennai. This company has been found to violate US immigration laws. The following instances along with supporting evidence cautions employers and employees. 1. HTC Global Services has been found to violate the US Immigration laws on "6/8/2000" specifically "Failure to comply with subpart H or I (failed to obtain PW documentation)". Refer case no : 213 in the excel document. http://www.ilw.com/seminars/january2004_citation2j.xls 2. HTC Global Services has recently found to violate Immigration and Nationality Act (20.C.F.R Section 655.731) which includes withholding wages/salary from employee. http://www.slideshare.net/ImmigrationWatchers/us-dol- conviction-of-htc-global-services http://www.slideshare.net/ImmigrationWatchers/htc-global- services-us-department-of-labor-determination-letter Check the images for proof of violation: http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_W65XRQqn900/Sqes_VJsPXI/AAAAAAAAAA U/df-Kf5bKm_E/s1600-h/Page1.JPG http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_W65XRQqn900/SqewO0X1ciI/AAAAAAAAAB c/pqeQDETEQqY/s1600-h/Page2.JPG http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_W65XRQqn900/Sqev3h6e5vI/AAAAAAAAAB M/HpYZh4AFlbE/s400/Violations_by_HTC.bmp http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_W65XRQqn900/Sqew2j8yUnI/AAAAAAAAAB k/_POL9LjYDw8/s1600-h/H1B_Violation.JPG Search Tags: HTC Global Services Madhava Reddy H1B Sponsorship Green Card USA Immigration
What are the software?s you know? Have you worked on those areas?
How many rounds of interview you had? Was it a Personal Interview?