what is the monster dimension plz give me one example

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what is the monster dimension plz give me one example..

Answer / pooja

Monster dimensions require special handling and advanced
planning, especially when you’re dealing with rapidly
changing monster dimensions. Rapidly changing dimensions
(i.e., dimensions whose content changes as a result of
input errors or changes over time that you’re recording in
place) aren’t too much of a challenge when the dimensions
are small. However, monster dimensions consume large
amounts of maintenance time and CPU cycles because of their
size, so you need to plan carefully when you’re dealing
with them. Let’s explore two different methods for managing
rapidly changing monster dimensions: first, splitting the
dimension, and second, creating a set of non-overlapping
value ranges for each rapidly changing attribute and then
creating rows that include all possible range combinations.

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what is the monster dimension plz give me one example..

Answer / hardeep

Hi Pooja

Thanks for reply but could u pls explain more what type of dimensions are called as monster dimensions... Properties of Monster Dimensions.


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