What are the transformations that cannot be placed between the sort origin and the joiner transformation so that we do not lose the input sort order?
how will you get 21 to 30 record from 50 records?
What is exact use of 'Online' and 'Offline' server connect Options while defining Work flow in Work flow ?
How can you generate reports in informatica?
On a day i load 10 rows in my target and on nextday i get 10 more rows to add in target. But out of 10 - 5 records are send them to target?how i can insert the remaining records
get me output as if input is like 1 x o/p-->1 x,y,z 1 y 2 a,b 1 z 3 c 2 a 2 b 3 c
have u done any performance tuning? how u ll do?
If i have source as flat file. how can i store the header and trilor into one target and data into one more target. |------>target1(header+trailor) source------ |------>target2(data) can any one please help me
how we can update a target table without update strategy and update override?
How can we use mapping variables in informatica?
How to delete first 3 rows & last 3 rows in target table in informatica
Explain sessions. Explain how batches are used to combine executions?
why we need informatica