how many check points required to freeze the requirements ?
what and why ???
what do .sbl and .sbh represent?
Q1. Why a bug can't be fixed?
Host and Agent are the component associated with which tool?
dns is an acronym for
disk swapping is a feature used in
Which company made 'Office Hindi' softwear?
what are the most frequent requirement tracking and management tools available
Give me an e.g. of Low Severiority and low priority?
You are given two candles of equal size which can burn 1 hours each. You have to measure 90 minutes with these candles.( there is no scale or clock). Also u r given a lighter.
Find the 3 digits no. whose lat digit is the sqaure root of the first root of the first digits and second digit is the sum of the other two digits. And the number is divisble by 2,3,6,7. what is the number?
what are the review standards to accept the requirement specification
Give me an e.g. of HIgh Severiority and low priority?