What is ISR or NonISR router? Difference between ISR or
NonISR router?

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What is ISR or NonISR router? Difference between ISR or NonISR router?..

Answer / nunyo beeznes

ISR=Integrated Services Router

This has a bit of a fuzzy definition from Cisco and has morphed with the ISR2 devices.

The simple answer is that an ISR devices does more than routing. An ISR will allow you to terminate a VPN session, bridge multiple transport technologies (SONET, 802.11x, voice, etc.), and are usually modular giving you a chassis that can accept hardware modules for different technologies.

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What is ISR or NonISR router? Difference between ISR or NonISR router?..

Answer / guest

An ISR will include the smarts and connections to support
telephony (Voice over IP) and a number of other specialist
components such as Intrusion Prevention. Cisco coined the
phrase to differentiate their products from other router
vendors (who now also include many of those features).

Presumably these days, a non-ISR router would just route
packets between different networks (which is the original
definition of them)

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What is ISR or NonISR router? Difference between ISR or NonISR router?..

Answer / krishnaprasad

**** ISR means "Integrated SONET Router" SONET (Synchronous
Optical Network), (Cisco ISR 3303) this model is a end of
life Product.
1) (Integrated SONET/SDH Router) is a high-density access
platform with full SONET interoperability that enables
service providers to deliver a single integrated solution
with both voice services based on time-division multiplexing
(TDM) and IP services.
2) It dramatically reduces cost of ownership by enabling
service providers to deliver TDM and data services on a
single platform over SONET/SDH (synchronous optical
network/synchronous digital hierarchy) optical fiber networks.

3) The Cisco ISR 3303 router supports the following WAN
•Clear-channel T1

•Serial for T1 (1.536 Mbps) channels

•SONET UPSR and Automatic Protection Switching (APS)
4) It designed to use static and policy routing for most of
its applications. Release 11.3(4)HA3 makes Cisco IOS IP and
bridging functionality available on the Cisco ISR 3303.
****Non ISR Router
Cisco 3200 Series are Rugged ISR Products.

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