1.How can you search an entire source file for a particular
field name?
2.How can you find the differences between two versions of
the source for the same program?
3.What is a hidden field as it relates to a sub file?
4.How do you display a sub file that has no records in the
sub file?
Answers were Sorted based on User's Feedback
Answer / swetha p rao
1. TO find the field name in list of programs of a source
physical file then we give 25 option and Shift + F1 which
selects all the program sources and there we can specifiy
the name of the field.
2. we take an option 54 and give the other program name for
3. Subfile hidden is not visible on the subfile but can be
used in the cases like storing the RRN number for that
particular record.we can update the value evrytime with RRn
value.so that it can be used in program.
4. If the subfile doesnt have any records we set on the
Control Format indicator and set off the Display indicator
Is This Answer Correct ? | 9 Yes | 1 No |
Answer / vaiv20
1. Is it source physical file u are referring to or
Physical file?
2. Using option 54 against one version in wrkmbrpdm and
mentioning the other version when prompted for the member
to be compared with.
3. Hidden field on a subfile or display file can be defined
aa a variable that wont be displayed on the screen. In
subfile u can define hidden fields at the control record
format as well as at each subfile record level.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 3 Yes | 0 No |
Answer / swetha p rao
we can display a subfile without records. but we have to
handle it in program,
If RRN >0
set on display and control indicators
Seton control and set off display indicator
Exfmt Screen
Is This Answer Correct ? | 3 Yes | 0 No |
Answer / sourabh
1. Through READE opcode
4. With the help of SFLINZ keyword. Use this keyword in
display file with indicator (suppose 33).
After the Do loop where the data has been sent to buffer but
not written on the subfile, use the following code
Is This Answer Correct ? | 4 Yes | 2 No |
Answer / ugandhar
3. Sub file hidden is not visible on the subfile but can be
used in the case like storing the RRN number for that
perticular record. This is as per one of our friend answer
and also we can use this hidden variables in subfile in
different senarios like if have more than one subfile
screen in single subfile and all screens are related to a
single file or firm. If you want to read the values from
all the screens at a time this subfile hidden variables are
very helpfull. Only thing is you need to declare the
variables as hidden which are available in second or
third..and not available in first with same name and
attributes. If you perform readc on single sflfrmt you can
get all values from all screens.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 1 Yes | 0 No |
Answer / indraneel
1. In wrkmbrpdm screen enter option=25, then shift + F1.
Enter the test that you want to search. Results will be
shown. If the search string needs to be searched in
particular source hit F16.
2. Enither one can use CMPPFM command or option 54.
3. Hidden field is just like any other field in subfile.
Only difference you will not be able to specifiy position
location for the field. That is why it is called hidden
4. Use SFLINZ keyword. Before doing the EXFMT to control
record set on the SFLINZ controlling indicator.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 1 Yes | 0 No |
Answer / k.s.prathapa reddy
1.By using FNDSTRPDM command.
2.By using CMPPFM command.
4. By setting on SFLINZ keyword.
Write an empty record to the subfile and then display
the subfile-contorl record.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 1 Yes | 0 No |
Answer / ram
4.ANS. We Cannot display a subfile without records.
It gives MCH1202(decimal data Error).
Is This Answer Correct ? | 0 Yes | 12 No |
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