In a town with population of 4000, 3000 people are egg
eaters, 2000 meat eaters and 1500 eat both egg and meat.
How many are pure vegetarians?

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In a town with population of 4000, 3000 people are egg eaters, 2000 meat eaters and 1500 eat both ..

Answer / rose


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In a town with population of 4000, 3000 people are egg eaters, 2000 meat eaters and 1500 eat both ..

Answer / rajasekar

(a) 500
(b) 1000
(c) 400
(d) 1500

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In a town with population of 4000, 3000 people are egg eaters, 2000 meat eaters and 1500 eat both ..

Answer / bavas ahamed

total population 4000
both egg & meat eaters 1500
only egg eaters 3000-1500=1500
only meat eaters 2000-1500=500
total non vegitarians 1500+1500+500=3500
pure vegitarians 500 only

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In a town with population of 4000, 3000 people are egg eaters, 2000 meat eaters and 1500 eat both ..

Answer / raviteja900

number of people eating egg, A = 3000
number of people eating meat, B = 2000
number of people eating both, A^B = 1500

so number of people eating egg and meat are 3500

so number of people who are vegetarians are 500

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In a town with population of 4000, 3000 people are egg eaters, 2000 meat eaters and 1500 eat both ..

Answer / ashok gupta


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In a town with population of 4000, 3000 people are egg eaters, 2000 meat eaters and 1500 eat both ..

Answer / sunil902

500 is answer

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In a town with population of 4000, 3000 people are egg eaters, 2000 meat eaters and 1500 eat both ..

Answer / shah nawas khan


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