1.What is the difference between Diplexer and Duplexer and
what position?
2. What is the different between CDU C and CDU A
3. How do you link a T1 from the 1st BTS to 2nd BTS
4. What is the value for TEI 1st T1?
5. What is the SSI?

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1.What is the difference between Diplexer and Duplexer and what position? 2. What is the differen..

Answer / sahani.santosh@gmail.com

1.diplexer is used if we want to use same antenna line[feeder] for two different type of waves.like using same feeder for gsm n cdma transmission to gsm..even if to physically separateed antennas are there only a set of feeder will be required DUPLEXER is used if we want same antenna to transmit n receive..instead of using two separate ones..
3.There r so many ways o transfering E1/t1 FROM ONE BTS TO ANOTHER..used twisted pair cable w E1T1 card or RRI w in use but power off ..so many ways..
4.SS7 is the protocol used for transmissin of non voice dats transfer[signalling ],that r used for call setup etc

Is This Answer Correct ?    16 Yes 4 No

1.What is the difference between Diplexer and Duplexer and what position? 2. What is the differen..

Answer / ahalya inturi

value for T1

Is This Answer Correct ?    7 Yes 2 No

1.What is the difference between Diplexer and Duplexer and what position? 2. What is the differen..

Answer / farhan chaudhry

What is the difference between Diplexer and Duplexer and
what position?
Used for separating sending and receiving signals to/from

What is the different between CDU C and CDU A
CDU A uses filter combiner and c uses hybrid

Is This Answer Correct ?    19 Yes 16 No

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