In C we use only compiler. Why java uses both compiler and
interpreter? What is its significance?
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Answer / nidhi,himani
because in java, code is 1st converted into bytecode by the
compiler nd then it is converted into machine code by the
Is This Answer Correct ? | 29 Yes | 8 No |
Answer / kuldeep sharma
Java is Platform Independent language it uses Virtual
System (JVM) in an existing operating system to run
The JVM itself is not Platform independent it is platform
dependent. but its functionality is same for all verison of
JVM for different OSs.
The Source Code of a Java Program is compiled to avail the
advantages of compiler like fast development, i mean all
the errors are checked and displayed by the compiler at once
(in 99.99% cases) to make the code error free.
An error free Java Code is converted into BYTECODE ;
directly understood by the JVM(for all OSs).
Now consider we compiled >> a.class on linux, the
a.class is portable and runnable on other OS like Windows
because class files are fun by JVM but not by the OSs that
why we can say
Java is platform Independent.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 12 Yes | 4 No |
Answer / rinky
If a source code is written in C,then after compilation platform dependent native code is generated which is specific to the platform and whenever if you want to execute the same source code into different platform you have to recompile the program which is wastage of time.
srcprogram-->compile-->platform1---->platform native code
srcprogram-->compile-->platform2-->platform2 native code
But coming to Java,when you compile your source code ,an intermediate code is generated(.class file)which is common to all the platforms and you can execute the .class file on any platform with the help of jvm to generate native code of the specific platform.
src prg(.javafile)-->compile(on any platform Xplatform)-->bytecode(.classfile)-->jvm(execute on)-->platform(p1 or p2...or pn)(to get native code)
that is what java's passion compile once run anywhere
Is This Answer Correct ? | 7 Yes | 3 No |
Answer / dhana
in java code is complied by the complier at that time code
is convered into byte code after that JVM can convert the
byte code instructions into Machine code instructions.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 10 Yes | 8 No |
Answer / ershad md sk
In C Lang Our program is directly Converted into
Executable code which is a Not portable..& it is Machine JAVA first .class file is Converted into .java
File And the Interpreter wil generate a intermediate Code
that is BYTE CODE..Which is Machine has 0%
protability Issue............
Is This Answer Correct ? | 3 Yes | 9 No |
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