can a Function return more than one value..??? if so please
give me the code for that.
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Answer / bantanahal haribabu
function exmp(a,b)
dim myarray(2)
end function
msgbox isarray(val)
for i=o to ubound(val)
msgbox val(i)
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Answer / prasad
Function alway returns one value. only action in QTP
returns more than one values.
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Answer / siqtp
Logically Function can return pnly one value.But we can
achieve rturning multiple values using any of the following
1)Concatenate all the values to be returned to a string and
retuen it
2)Use arrays
3)Use dictionay object
4)use ByRef
Is This Answer Correct ? | 2 Yes | 0 No |
Answer / uday kumar _ anem
Another way to handle more than one return value is using
arrays and also use global variables.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 2 Yes | 1 No |
Answer / nath t
Function doesn't return more than one value.
if you want to get more than one result, we can write
function for that. After u will get the value u have to
split the value.
Function AddSub(a, b)
som = a + b
subt = a - b
AddSub = som&"/"&subt
End Function
this function returns only one value. But it's having two
results(i.e Addition and subtraction of two no.s).
After u will get this value. u have to split that one for
two results by using split function here delimeter is "/".
like this we can add more than one result to the return
variable(in this example AddSub is the return variable).
Is This Answer Correct ? | 2 Yes | 5 No |
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