what is the difference between off-line back up and on-line
back up in ibm db2 udb?

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what is the difference between off-line back up and on-line back up in ibm db2 udb?..

Answer / guest

online backup:

2.database in open state.
3.Archive mode must set


2.db in close
3.No need archive mode

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what is the difference between off-line back up and on-line back up in ibm db2 udb?..

Answer / vishal sharna

offline backup is the traditional backup in which we cannot
take the backup untill the application is closed but its
quite consistent,but as we know its very cost effective to
close all the application and then take the backup,so we
will take the online backup.in this case we an take the
backup of running aplication but set the recovery log mod
to rollforward,with the help of it we can restore our
database to the most recent state.

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