what is the difference between int &r and int& r

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what is the difference between int &r and int& r..

Answer / nakubu

There is no difference; C++ is pretty much whitespace
agnostic. What depends is its use:

int function(int &r)

is a function declaration that accepts an integer pointer as
a parameter, and:

int a = 7;
int &r = a;

will make a reference to an integer.

The spacing around the & makes no difference.

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what is the difference between int &r and int& r..

Answer / kumar sourav

according 2 me int &r is a declaration in which address of
r is of integer datatype whereas int& r is an alias or we
can say it a reference i.e we can put any other variable
instead of r.

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what is the difference between int &r and int& r..

Answer / shiv

according to me int &r is declaration , and int& r is
reference .

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