i have asked earlier only one question how to test web
application using QTp plz send me the answer quickly
in a web page How to check and display a particular word from a paragraph?
QTP 1.What type of bugs u commonly find in u r project? 2.what is agile testing explain with example? 3.application is given req n functionality r missing then how can u start testing? 4.what r the types of defect tracking tools? 5.what is functionality testing? 6.what is change req how u use it? 7.diff bet gul n functional testing? 8.test cases for IE 6.0? 9.where do u store test cases? 10.what r design objects in qtp? 11.what r 5 types of objects in qtp? 12.how to change .mtr to .tsr n vice versa? 13.in which situations qtp will not recoznize objects? 14.how to call .vbs fuctions, library files in qtp? 15.if 10 windows r ope write command to close all windows in qtp? 16from what stage u start automation in u r project? 17.what is VSS? it is usedin automationr manual? 18.size of object repository? 19.how to conduct GUI testing n performance testing on MS-Word? what r performance TEST CASES? 20. use of virtual objects explain? 21.how to connect buzilla with qtp? 22. what is API ? 23.how to merge 2 object repositories in qtp? 24.what is recovery scenario manager? 25. diff bet link n hyper link? 26.diff bet test case n test case scenario? 27.what is relational testing? 28.where do we write test cases? 29.what is base line in testing? 30.what r key process areas(KPA) in u r company? 31.what is hot fix? 32.what is sql injection? 33.what is valnerability? 34.what is TOM in qtp? 35.can we do qtp testing with out creating objects in object repository? can we completely write code in expert view only? 36.where we cant do automation testig? give example using OR is a advantage r a disadvantage?
when i am running login page i got test run error? Please give me the script to handle run time exceptions. It's urgent for me.
What is difference between Quality centre and Test Director?
DIFFERENT RUN MODE IN QTP..1-VERIFY MODE 2-UPDATE MODE 3- dEBUG MODE. My question is in whic sitution we use these modes Explain me with example
What is recovery scenario manager? When you go for recovery scenario manager?
Distinguish between manual testing and automation testing
what is file database
I have application it is one digital clock with all minutes and seconds. you have to identify the time to verify weather the time displayed is correct time or not? How do you automate this scenario?
Is there any relation between Keyword Driven Framework and Recording modes provided in QTP( whether Recording modes are applied on keyword driven framework or not?)
how can we test the Triggers, Cursors, Indexes while doing Database testing in DTP??
What is the main disadvantage of using low level and Analog modes?